Health Briefs examines the benefits of consuming olive oil a staple in the diet of many people on the three continents that surround the Mediterranean Sea. In Southern Europe, Northern Africa and much of the Middle East, a large part of the population's daily intake involves olive oil in its preparation. And it is so much more healthy for them than the substances we cook, bake and fry with here in the West. While working on a cruise ship for a single summer, this reporter lost a great deal of weight and felt in terrific shape, thanks to the Mediterranean style of cooking -- until returning to North America and our corporate-produced food, when the weight was rapidly regained.
Health Briefs takes a look at one of the world's oldest foods.
The Health Briefs TV show has found that mixing olive oil with nitrate-rich greens such as spinach, celery and carrots, produces a compound that relaxes the blood vessels and brings down blood pressure. We've long known of the good health benefits of olive oil, nuts and avocados on cardiovascular health. The Mediterranean diet usually consists of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, fish and very little in the way of red meat, dairy and sweets. Add to the menu some red wine and you have perhaps one of the healthiest diets in the world.