Friday, June 20, 2014

Health Briefs TV shares How to Beat Dehydration

Summer inevitably brings high heat and the possibility to become dehydrated. Luckily, there are some easy ways to tell if you are and easy ways to prevent it. Health Briefs shares what these are.

If you are exercising or working outdoors in the sun, you may experience some of these symptoms of dehydration:

A headache – Sweating can cause the body to lose valuable salt and potassium. Salt loss causes a change in the chemistry in blood. Your brain is super sensitive to this and a headache starts. The more water the body loses, the more the blood volume lowers which causes a drop in oxygen to the brain. So, drink plenty of water when working outside.

Urine is yellowish – This basically means your urine is over-concentrated with waste. Drink plenty of water to fully flush out the waste.

Constipation – Sure, there are other factors which can cause constipation. However, a lack of water in the body can block things up. Water helps waste move through the colon and out of the body efficiently. So, drink up and things will loosen up.

There are some tasty ways to stay hydrated over the summer months. Health Briefs suggests enjoying some homemade lemonade, a glass of iced sport drink (the potassium helps prevent leg cramps too), and of course, plenty of water. Make it taste better with a squeeze of lemon or lime, cucumber slices and some strawberries or a sprig of fresh mint. Beat hydration this summer and all year round.

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