Monday, September 8, 2014

Health Briefs TV Reports on the Respiratory Illness Affecting American Kids

It seems to be mostly affecting children who suffer from mild asthma and those who live in the Midwest. Health Briefs reports on the respiratory illness that is sending kids to the hospital.

It starts off as a cold and quickly turns much more serious when a child cannot breathe and his or her face is turning blue. The human enterovirus 68 starts off mimicking the symptoms of the common cold. But within hours, it can become fatal if parents do not rush kids into the emergency room. It has sent thousands of kids in 10 states to the hospital. Doctors believe that with summer over and school back in session, kids are picking up viruses from other kids and bringing them home to siblings. Symptoms can be the same as the common cold: runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, and some experience wheezing. But when that wheezing becomes more labored, it’s time to get the child to an urgent care center or hospital. Health Briefs TV notes that the CDC recommends basic sanitary practices to avoid spreading germs and the virus such as washing hands often, avoid those who are sick, and covering the mouth when coughing or sneezing. Parents of asthmatic children should be sure inhalers are up to date and kept in a handy place. Caregivers and teachers should know how to handle a child suffering an asthma attach. The key to preventing a serious respiratory illness is knowledge.

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