A recent study from Cambridge University reports that a
short daily walk is better than no walk at all. Health Briefs TV explains why a
little daily exercise can prolong life.
Researchers studied nearly 300,000 people and found that a
brisk 20 minute daily walk can help reduce the risk of developing diabetes and
heart disease. The study also found that this short bout of activity is better
for longevity than body weight. People that walk or do some other form of physical
activity daily increase blood to the heart, raise their energy levels and the
exercise improves mood. In contrast, someone who is sedentary can become
lethargic, cranky and is at risk for becoming obese and suffer from the
consequences. Those who work at jobs which require sitting all day should take
breaks to move. Head outside for a quick walk, take the stairs instead of
elevators and escalators and park farther from the office building. The Health Briefs TV show strongly encourages readers to add some kind of daily activity
to their regular routine. The extra energy, health benefits and longer
longevity that comes from daily exercise makes one feel physically better and
stronger. Plus, it can lower health insurance rates .Get up and move now.