Some smokers we know have said quitting smoking is the
easiest thing they ever have done – because they have done it so many times.
Now that the New Year has begun, there may be readers who committed to break
the nicotine habit once and for all. Health Briefs TV applauds you and shares
some suggestions which might help make the commitment stick.
Whichever way you choose to quit, announce it to everyone
you know. Post is on social media. The
more support you have behind you, the more successful you will be.
Replace the bad habit with a good healthier one. If the urge
to light up strikes right after dinner, take a pleasant walk outside with a
family member, spouse, and even the family dog.
Get rid of everything in the home that reminds you of
smoking. This means all ashtrays, lighters and hidden cigarettes. Health Briefs
suggests throwing them all in the trash and then throw that bag in the
Dumpster. Out of sight out of mind.
If stopping at a favorite gas station or convenience store,
just say no when the clerk automatically hands you a pack of your regular
brand. The power of saying “no thanks I quit” will make you feel like you can
quit for good.
If stress is trigger, if social drinking is a trigger or if
there are any other triggers, find a placement for them. Take a 10 minute break
from work and go outside and walk. Order a different drink at the bar and sit
where no smoking is allowed.
Check out the timeline below to see how not smoking approves
overall health:
- After 20 minutes, your heart rate and blood pressure drops.
- After
12 hours, the carbon monoxide level in your
blood drops to normal.
- After
two weeks to three months: your circulation
improves and your lung function increases.
- After 1 to 9 months: coughing and shortness of
breath decreases and lung functions improve.
- After on year: chances of heart-related illnesses are cut in half.
Quitting smoking is not easy. Get support from everyone you
know. Take it one day at a time. After three months, the habit itself is