Nearly every kitchen in America has a dishwasher in it. Most
families use one to clean and sterilize dishes, glasses and utensils. However,
some people prefer to hand-wash dishes. Health Briefs TV explains why this may
be better.
Families with children who suffer from allergies may want to
consider doing the dishes by hand rather than using a dishwasher. Researchers found that kids were less likely
to develop allergies if dishes were done by hand rather than by a dishwasher.
Hand-washing usually leaves some microbes on the items which in turn are
ingested during the next time used. These built up children’s immune systems
which protected them from developing allergies.
The Health Briefs TV show learns that kids who parents
hand-washed dishes had lower allergy rates than kids whose parents used a
dishwasher. Although these study results seem promising, there is no
recommendation to stop using a dishwasher. Seek the advice of a pediatrician or
other health care professional if a child is struggling with the sneezing,
itchy, watery eyes and stuffed nose that allergies cause. Keep homes clean and
free from dust mites, mold and mildew. Get an allergy test early on to
determine how to treat them. There are many options for children with