Friday, February 6, 2015

The Health Briefs TV Show Looks at What Stresses Americans

A good stress reliever

Stress is a prime source of health-related problems. It causes high blood pressure, poor eating and sleeping habits, and heart trouble. The Health Briefs TV show looks at what stresses Americans.

American Psychological Association reported results from a recent survey that money is the root of most stress symptoms.  Even as the economy is improving, Americans worry about their finances.  Inflation and wage stagnation are the culprits. The cost of most basic every day needs continues to rise but pay is not budging a cent. This leads people to work longer hours or take on another job to make ends meet.  Family issues are another cause of stress. Whether people are worried about elderly parents, children, and grandchildren, it causes undue stress on the body.

Fortunately, there are ways to work through stress which are healthy. Take some alone time. Go for a short walk. Listen to music. Avoid drinking alcohol or eating something unhealthy. Get a little exercise.  Find someone trusted to talk to about money or family problems. Health Briefs TV believes lack of quality sleep and wallowing in misery about the issues causing stress can only lead to more stress. Engage in a quiet online game like solitaire. Avoid games which are excessively violent.  Also, avoid spending too much time alone.  Call a friend or go visit one. Humans are social creatures and we’re not wired to go it alone.  Need more money to bring home? Search online for creative ways to earn extra income. Or post a sign in the neighborhood offering pet sitting services.  Just walking a dog for 20 minutes can not only reduce stress, but bring joy, peace and a little extra cash into your life.

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