Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Health Briefs TV Examines the Pros of Telemedicine

Tele-medicine is making healthcare convenient and affordable for the patient. Whether it is an app or a video chat with a physician in the city, this new form of communication has certainly has its pros, which Health BriefsTV examines.

The American patient spends at least 20 minutes in a doctor’s waiting room before being led into the exam room to only wait longer.  Time spent in the doctor’s office does not include the time off from work or the time to travel there. This may lead some people to turn to the Internet to look up symptoms and make their own medical diagnosis. There is a better way though.

Tele-medicine is delivered in a variety of ways in today’s digitally connected world. From video chats on the Internet and smart phones to on-call medical service apps, it can be easy and more affordable – in time and budget – to contact a medical professional these ways than going to one’s personal physician. Minor illnesses and injuries can be addressed in a faster way.  Health Briefs TV notes that many medical offices, health insurance companies and hospitals have implemented on-demand services for patients, which can include texting photos, instant messaging, face-t-face chats and email. Why wait to see the doctor when one can be reached in minutes not hours?

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