Once considered something only the hipster crowd practiced,
yoga has gained a new, refreshing reputation as a great health benefit.
US Media Studios learns that people who practice yoga are less
stressed out than those that do not. It is also a great exercise for connecting
the mind and body. It is beneficial to all age groups and all kinds of people.
Military combat veterans who go to yoga classes gain inner peace, strength in
mind and thoughts, stress relief, and feel stronger mentally and physically. Baby boomers and other age groups who take
yoga classes experience increased flexibility, increases muscle strength,
improved respiration and energy, gain better balance, and protection from
injury. Yoga also help build stronger bones.
Yoga classes around the country are offered a low-cost at
community centers, the Y, health clubs and gyms, and on the beach, in parks and
in city centers. Some yoga teachers, or
yogis, allow a new participant to take one class free to see if it is something
the person wants to continue. It doesn’t hurt to ask before starting. Not all
yoga classes are alike. Go online or ask someone who is into yoga which type
would be best for a newcomer. US Media Studios also reminds readers that yoga
clothes are cool and are worn almost everywhere now.
Feeling stressed out with sore joints and muscles? Are crazy
thoughts running through your mind all day and night long? Sample one yoga
class. It might just be ticket to better mental and physical health.