Friday, May 30, 2014

Health Briefs on Obesity in Pets and Their Owners

The next time you are outside, take a look at the people walking their dogs. Chances are if the owner is obese, his or her pet will be too. Health Briefs offers advice about how help pets and humans lose weight.

A recent health report is out that states one third of the World population is obese. Another report states that more than half of the pets in the United States are obese. How did we get this way? We eat too much, feed our pets too much and both (pets and owners) are too sedentary.

Obesity is harmful to the body in so many ways. It adds extra pressure on the joints, contributes to diabetes, high blood pressure, and in pets, is can cause disease in the folds of their skin too. Here’s how to get both owner and pet back on a healthy path:

  • Measure the amount of food we feed pets. Follow the vet’s instructions to the letter.
  • Cut back on the amount of pet treats we feed our beloved fur kids.
  • Take dogs out for regular, energetic walks.
  • Play ball inside when it’s raining outside.
  • Cats can run around the home chasing small foam balls or play mice.
  • Set aside a time to engage in play time with all pets.

  • Choose healthier foods and snacks and eat them in smaller portions. Three ounces of meat and fish is recommended, which is the size  of the palm of your hand.
  • Get up and walk at work on breaks and after dinner.
  • Pick up the pace when walking dogs.
  • Play tag with your cat.

HealthBriefs TV encourages readers with pets who are getting heavier to take active steps to help them shed weight. It’s good for the body and the soul.

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