Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Health Briefs Looks at the Safety of Living Near High-Voltage Power Lines

Health Briefs advises home buyers and home owners alike:  watch how close you live to high-voltage power lines.  In the 1980's, there were photos and news footage of people gathering beneath a corridor of high-voltage power lines, typical of that which one would find criss-crossing most cities.  They were holding some fluorescent tubes -- unattached to any power source.  And yet, when they got right under the power cables, the fluorescent tubes would glow brightly right in the participants' bare hands.  That's the power of the electric energy that emanates from the power lines. 

Health Briefs reiterates a safety warning that has been sounded for several decades.

The Health Briefs TV show reports that for those who live and sleep close to such power corridors, there may be lasting health effects.  Numerous studies have been done to measure the proximity to power lines against the frequency of leukemia and other cancers, abnormal heart rhythms, miscarriages, low birth weight and birth defects.  The results have been inconclusive, but there has been some measured damage to residents' DNA.  For those already living dangerously close to a power corridor, there are devices available that can measure the actual strength of the electro-magnetic field in your home and on your property.  Most electrical utilities will be glad to conduct these tests on request.

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