Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Health Briefs TV Asks if More Moles Mean Breast Cancer Alert

Two recent studies are out that mention how skin moles might affect a person’s chance of developing breast cancer. Health Briefs TV digs deeper to find out if more skin moles might mean a higher chance of getting cancer.

The studies conducted by American and French scientists found that the more moles a woman had, the higher chance she had of developing breast cancer. While this can seem alarming to many women with moles on the arms, the researchers caution that is might have something to do with her exposure to estrogen over her lifetime. The hormone is known to feed the growth and spread many breast tumors. This is most noticeable when a woman is pregnant as her moles tend to be larger and darker.

Health Briefs knows that there are also underlying reasons for women developing moles on their arms and skin: heredity, general health condition, age, lifestyle and exposure to the sun. These studies, by no means, indicate that the more moles a woman has means her risk of developing breast cancer is greater. But all moles should be regularly checked by a dermatologist to see if they could be pre-cancerous. Skin cancer is nothing to ignore and if caught early, it is curable. Skin moles are common and do not automatically mean a predisposition for breast cancer. To ensure all is well, seek the advice of a trusted medical professional.

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