Friday, October 17, 2014

Health Briefs TV Reminds Readers of the More Common Viruses

Please cover your mouth much better than this.

There are several viruses which are more worrisome than the Ebola virus. Health Briefs TV reminds readers of what they are and how to prevent catching one.

The Flu – Droplets from an ill person’s sneeze or cough can travel up to six feet away.  Please remember to cover your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing around others.

Enterovirus – This is the virus that is mostly affecting young children. It can be passed by touching an infected person or surface. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water or use a hand sanitizer. Don’t touch the face anywhere.

Norovirus – This virus spread when an infected person touches a surface, food or water and other people tough or eat the same surface or food. Again, wash hands thoroughly before touching food or any common surface.

HIV – HIV is transmitted through bodily fluids and shared needles. To prevent transmission, don’t shares needles and wear condoms or other items to block transmission during sex.

Hepatitis – The virus is transmitted through sharing dirty needles. Don’t share needles and be sure any medical worker is using a clean, sterilized one on you, if needed.

RSV – RSV stands for Respiratory Syncytial Virus. It mostly affects very young children and the elderly. It is spread through coughing and sneezing.  Health Briefs TV urges readers to teach young children to cover noses and mouths when coughing and sneezing, and reminds seniors to do the same.

These six viruses are more contagious and easily spread than the Ebola virus.

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