Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Health Briefs TV Explains Why Women Live Longer than Men

Women don't take risks like this so they live longer

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that a girl born in 2012 should expect to live to be 81 years old while boys born that same year will live to age 76.  In other words, girls could live five more years than boys. Health Briefs TV takes a look at the reasons why and asks readers for their thoughts.

Females are stronger in the womb than boys since there are fewer of them born. Males are more likely to succumb to in utero infections than females. They also develop more slowly than girls in the womb and struggle more if born prematurely.

Unintentional injuries are the third leading cause of death in males. The front lobe of the brain which deals with responsibility and risk calculation develops much slower in males than females.

Health Briefs TV learns that heart disease is the leading killer for both men and women, but men are more likely to develop it earlier. Menopause protects women from developing it because the mid to late life condition churns out estrogen which keeps arteries strong and flexible.

Women also take better care of their health than men. Men tend to deny health problems and battle through them without seeing a doctor.

We want to know what you think. Do you know any women who outlived the men in their lives? What factors do you think led to their longer life?

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