Thursday, April 9, 2015

Health Briefs TV Reviews Food to Reduce Stress

Food is often used as a means to make on feel better. Comfort food, like a cheeseburger or macaroni and cheese, comes to mind. However, there are better choices to make which can make one feel calm, relaxed and generally less harried. Health Briefs TV reviews which foods can help reduce stress best.

Green leafy vegetables contain folate which produces dopamine, a pleasure-inducing brain chemical that helps one keep calm. A 2012 study found that middle-aged and elderly people who ate more greens such as spinach had a lower risk of depression than those that did not.

Have a turkey breast sandwich. It’s true that the tryptophan in it can relax people. It is an amino acid which is found in protein-rich foods which helps produce the serotonin. This amino acid releases a chemical which stabilizes hunger and feelings of happiness.

Grab a cup of yogurt. The bacteria in the gut might be adding to stress, and yogurt contains probiotics, which reduces brain activity in the area that handle emotion and stress. Eat one of the flavored ones or doctor a small cup of Greek yogurt with honey and cinnamon.

Get a handful of pistachios. The rhythmic motion of getting one, cracking it open and eating it is calming and can reduce stress. It also takes longer to eat them so the little nuts are diet-friendly. The Health BriefsTV show knows they are also good for the heart.

Last but certainly not least is dark chocolate.  It contains cortisol which reduces stress hormones, and the antioxidants in cocoa can relax blood vessels.

Find a calming space to relax and let stress disappear with some of these goodies.

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