Monday, July 27, 2015

Health Briefs TV Reviews Misconceptions about Sugar

It is true that eating too much sugar can increase weight but raise the risk of developing diabetes. It’s just plain bad for us. From ice cream to berries, Health Briefs TV reviews misconceptions about sugar.

Remember the summer punch drink made with a gallon of water, a packet of dried juice mix and a whole cup of sugar? It didn’t seem like that drink was all that bad for us. In retrospect, it was. Consuming too much sugar can rot teeth, increase the risk of diabetes, add weight and advance the chance of heart disease. But it might also be good to know that there are natural sweeteners and added sugars.

Both natural and added sugars are not for us in small amounts. The added sweetener in ketchup is not unhealthful and won’t hurt anyone.  Natural sugar is found in fruits, vegetables and some dairy products. Again, consumed in small amounts and it’s not all that bad.

We get most of our added sugar from packaged foods and sugary drinks. Instead of those, Health Briefs TV suggests eating more whole foods, reducing the amount of sodas and packaged foods we eat and drinking plenty of water. Just keep in mind that most things consumed in moderation are better for us than when we feast on too many of them. Sugar – natural and processed – is okay.

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