Friday, December 18, 2015

Health Briefs TV Reports on U.S. Status to Prevent Infectious Dieases

According to a new report released today, more than half of the states in the US are not prepared for an infectious outbreak. Health Briefs TV reports on the states that passed and failed, and offers suggestions for readers.

The report which was released by the Trust for America's Health (TFAH) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation found 28 states and the District of Columbia did not pass the test for preventing, detecting, diagnosing and responding to the outbreaks. States which scored the best are Delaware, Kentucky, Maine, New York and Virginia. The states which scored the lowest are Kansas, Michigan, Ohio, Oregon and Utah, and Oklahoma finished dead last.

The report found that the United States must take better steps to prevent outbreaks of tuberculosis, whooping cough and gonorrhea. The US is also behind in childhood vaccinations, flu vaccinations, hepatitis C, HIV and AIDs, food safety, antibiotic-resistant superbugs, and be better able to deal with infectious disease threats.

Health Briefs TV believes that prevention is the key to staying healthy as a nation. That said, readers who have not had an annual flu shot should get one.  Health care providers offer them for a small fee (less than $30). People without insurance can get one at any local pharmacy for a little bit more. All it takes is one sneeze or cough from an infected person and the germs are in the air to catch. Stay healthy and well and start the New Year in top form.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Health Briefs TV with the Benefits of Surgery for Older People

There are health concerns and risks for everyone who undergoes surgery, and not just for the elderly. But there are also clear benefits for older people who opt for joint replacements and other major surgeries. Health Briefs TV looks at the pros of surgery for older people.

It is hard for anyone to fathom the pain, lack of mobility and inconvenience of joint replacement surgery. Imagine then being in your 80s and 90s and having a joint replaced. Many older people are willing to go through difficult joint replacement surgeries in order to improve their quality of life. Others opt for major organ surgery for the same reason.

As the world population lives longer, choosing surgery to improve or replace parts and organs worn out is a personal decision, and one that can be hard for the patient’s family to understand. But quality of life is valued by almost everyone. Simple activities people don’t think about such as getting in and out of a car, walking into a grocery store, or descending a set of stairs are challenging and often painful for the elderly with worn out joints. Joint replacement surgery can be a life changer for the older parent.

Health Briefs TV suggests talking with older relatives and friends who opt for major surgery. Listen to their reasons, their anxiety, their hopes for a positive outcome, without judgment. Sometimes, the best thing that can happen is to get a new lease on life. It doesn’t really matter how much time is left on that lease. No one knows that anyway.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Health Briefs TV Reports on Improving Health in the US

Americans are making improvements to their health, as a recent report from a major US health insurance company finds in a recent survey. Health Briefs TV reviews how the United States is becoming a healthier nation.  

As a country, the US rate of smokers decreased five percent in adults, and has gone down 29.5% since 1990.

Immunizations are increasing among children 19 to 25 months, when vaccines are most needed. The current rate of vaccinated children is at 71.6%, despite those who decline to immunize their children against disease.

Preventable hospitalizations have decreased, which means that more people are taking better care of themselves overall. The rate dropped eight percent overall.

Infant mortality rates also dropped. Since 1990, the rate has been reduced 41%. The US is a developed country with decent healthcare, yet, there was no change in this percentage from last year.

Cardiovascular deaths are also down. This indicates people are more aware of what they need to do to prevent them and are taking active steps to better health and a longer life.

Health Briefs TV notes that the US needs to work harder on reducing obesity, helping families get out of poverty, and prevent premature death from a variety of causes.

Overall, US citizens are more aware of living healthier lives and making lifestyle changes to feel better and live longer. Learn more here

Friday, December 4, 2015

Health Briefs TV Observes How Tainted Food Costs Lives

The World Health Organization states approximately 420,000 people die every year from food-borne diseases. Young children account for more than a quarter of those deaths, Health Briefs TV notes.

The agency also estimates that 600 million people become ill every year from consuming tainted food. Children under five are vulnerable to serious illness from contaminated food, resulting in 125,000 deaths per year. A review of the food-related illnesses found 31 types of bacteria, viruses, parasites, toxins or chemicals in food consumed in Africa and Asia.

Raw or undercooked meat, eggs, fresh produce and dairy products are the main culprits. Other diseases which can stem from tainted food are typhoid fever, hepatitis A, tapeworm and aflatoxin which is a mold that grows on grain stored incorrectly.

Health Briefs TV observes from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control that 48 million people get sick from tainted food each year. Roughly 128,000 need to be hospitalized and an estimated 3,000 die.

In the U.S., prevention is the key to not becoming ill from contaminated food. Wash all produce thoroughly. Cook meat until fully done. Wash all food preparation surfaces and hands after handling raw chicken and fish. Don’t intermingle meat and chicken on cutting boards. If the food smells bad, throw it out. Pay attention to use and sell by dates on all packages of fresh food.  

As the holiday season is now upon us, take extra care when preparing and storing food for celebrations and gatherings.  This is the season for joyous events. No one wants to spend it sick in bed or in the hospital.

store and cook food like this properly