Friday, January 8, 2016

Health Briefs TV Reviews Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep

There is a great deal of information in the news about the lack of sleep Americans get. A leading consumer magazine’s cover reports on several issues regarding a poor night’s rest, and an American news network reports on the why we are not getting the rest we need. Health Briefs TV reviews tips for a good night’s sleep.

Anyone who has trouble falling asleep and staying asleep can attest to how frustrating it is to be wide awake at 3 AM.  The National Center for Health Statistics found that a third of us do not get the recommended seven hours of shut eye we need to fully function the next day. Lack of rest can add up to some major health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, weakened immune systems and may contribute to dementia.

In order to get a decent amount of rest at night, the Health Briefs TV show offers some tips to getting a sound sleep:

  • Close the curtains or blinds to block out any light and lower the room temperature.
  • Leave digital devices far from the bedside.
  • Avoid taking sleeping aids unless prescribed by a doctor. Most really don’t work as advertised and can cause adverse effects, such as sleep walking.
  • Shop for a new pillow and buy one that supports the main position in which you sleep.
  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. It is very difficult to set a regular sleep routine when you go to bed and wake at different times on different days.
  • Wear something comfortable to sleep in.

When we get a good night’s rest, our brains clear out all the negative from the day before. Our hearts slow down and rest too. Our blood vessels relax and our blood sugar goes down. We also can fully function the next day, which includes no drowsy driving to work. We need seven hours of rest.  Get some.