Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Health Briefs on What Affects Our Memory

There are many different factors that affect our memory. Lack of sleep, medications and stress are a few. Health Briefs details some other unknown things that can affect memory.

Get a thyroid check-up from the doctor. When this small organ is out of whack, it can make us tired, anxious, and depressed and even have some memory and concentration problems.

Hot flashes which happen in peri-menopause and menopause can also cause women to experience foggy brain syndrome. This is turn can affect the ability to remember. Fortunately, it is a short term condition and there is no long-term affect on memory.

Lack of sleep can result in an impaired memory. It also results in impaired attention spans and a reduction in reaction time. Health Briefs TV suggests getting about six to eight hours of rest every night.  And sometimes, a short 20 minute nap in the middle of the day can be mentally refreshing.

Some prescription drugs can also affect our memory. Antidepressants like Xanax and Valium can hinder the brain from moving life events from short-term to long-term memory. Heart medication like a statin does the same. Never stop medication without consulting the doctor first.

Smoking damages the brain by restricting blood flow to it. It also builds abnormal proteins in the brain which impairs it from processing thoughts. There are many great programs to help smokers quit the habit.

These are just a few suggestions about what can affect our memory.  Find new ways to improve brain health and memory by eating a more healthful low-fat diet and de-stressing at the end of the day.

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