Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Health Briefs Asks Which Weight Loss Plans are Best

The debate over which weight loss plan is the most effective is ongoing. Is it the low carb one or the low fat one? Or is it one which offers a change to an overall healthier lifestyle? Health Briefs TV reviews which weight loss plans are best.

Every weight loss program has an abundance of fans that are loyal to it. But which ones are better than others depends on many factors: overall physical health before starting a weight loss program, health during the weight loss program, participant health goals and overall health when the program is completed. In a recent study, people who followed a low-carb plan lost more weight and reduced body fat more than those on a low-fat plan. They also tested better in good HDL cholesterol and triglycerides.  However, those following a low-carb lifestyle tended to not get enough fiber in their daily diets, compared to those who were on the low-fat diet plans. The Health Briefs TV show believes that the best weight loss plan is the one which fits one’s lifestyle best and one which is does not adversely affect health. There are many good weight loss programs and plans to choose from.  Ask friends and family if they can recommend one that worked best for them.  The success of each plan is entirely up to the person trying to lose weight and keep it off for more than a year.

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