Friday, December 12, 2014

Health Briefs TV and the Ten Most Healthy States in the U.S.

The Healthiest State in the U.S.

Where we live plays a large part in how healthy we are. Health Briefs TV takes a look at the ten healthiest U.S. states, as rated by United Healthcare Foundation, and how they made it to the top of the chart.

Nebraska has a low rate of drug deaths, a high rate of high school grads, a good rate of child immunizations. Although it is 10th on the list, the western state has a high rate of binge drinking and large gap in health status by education level.

North Dakota is ninth on the list due to its low rate of drug-related deaths, high immunization rate for teens and lower rate of low birth weight.

Colorado is one of those states with an abundance of outdoor activities which is why it is in eighth place. The state has lower numbers of obesity and diabetes and the lowest in the country.

New Hampshire has a high rate of active residents, a low rate of infectious diseases, and low infant mortality rates, which is why it is seventh on the list.

Minnesota may be a terribly close place in the winter but it came in sixth place for the lowest obesity and diabetes rates in the nation, as well as having a low rate of drug deaths.

Utah is fifth. This state has a low number of people who smoke, 2nd lowest diabetes rates in the country, and a low percentage of children in poverty.

Connecticut is fourth because the state has a low prevalence of smoking,  a high immunization rate among children, and a low occupational fatalities rate.

Massachusetts is third as it most noted by researchers of having more residents with health insurance than other states. 

Vermont is one of the healthiest states in the U.S. High school graduations are up, children living in poverty is down, violent crimes and binge drinking rates are also down.

Hawaii is the healthiest state in the U.S. Obesity, cancer and preventable hospitalization rates are all down. The percentage of smokers hs gone down by 21% in the last year. Health Briefs TV applauds each of these states for their great work in helping residents achieve overall health and wellness.

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