Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Health Briefs TV on the Health Benefits of Nuts

Ah nuts. We knew there was something good for us about them, and a new study found that we were right. Health Briefs TV gets nutty on the health benefits of nuts.

The high-protein snack seems to lower the risk of death from a number of chronic diseases, according to the researchers of the study. As reported in the International Journal of Epidemiology, when we eat at least 10 grams of nut or peanuts per day, our mortality rate from respiratory diseases, neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diabetes, cancer and heart-related issues is reduced. Ten grams of nuts and peanuts per day is advised for people who are not allergic to them. The consumption of peanut better did not have any affect, nor did eating more than 10 grams of nuts per day. Ten grams of nuts is less than a handful of them.

Health Briefs TV notes that nuts and peanuts contain mono-saturated and poly-saturated fats, or the “good fats”, fiber and vitamins. Peanut butter contains added salt and “bad fats”.  Raw nuts, not the roasted and salted varieties, are best. Think almonds, sunflower seed, peanuts, walnuts, and pecans. Most grocery and organic food stores sell these.  Go nuts and lower the chance of developing life-changing and life-ending illnesses.  

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