Friday, April 29, 2016

Health Briefs TV Spreads Good Health News

We love to share good health news with our readers, and there is much to share today.

Eat more chocolate and drink more red wine. A one minute intense workout is better than a 30 minute one. Walking is easy, free and boosts many health benefits.  Spanking children is not a good idea. 

Foods such as fruits, vegetables, yogurt and chocolate, and beverages like coffee and red wine increase the diversity of bacteria in the gut.  Gut or intestine diversity can ward off illness, as found by a team of Dutch researchers.  On the other side, simple carbs seems to reduce the bacterial diversity in the intestines. This includes high fat milk and sugar-sweetened soda.  Gut bacteria plays a vital role in the overall good health of the intestines and the rest of the body.

A study from the respected Plos One journal found that high intensity interval training (HIIT) works just as well as, and is better for us, than an hour long interval training class. This form of abbreviated high intensity working out entails a short burst of activity. For example: people who walk for exercise can add a short, intense burst of jogging or walking briskly, into the routine, and then go back to the regular pace. The short burst of intensity in the workout burns more calories, builds stamina, and require no more equipment. Give it a try. Add one minute of high intensity activity to a daily workout.

Most adults remember childhood days when their parents would spank them when they were naughty. This was thought to be the most effective way to curb bad behavior. Today, however, a new report that Health Briefs TV read, notes that spanking children can lead to aggressive behavior and defiance when older.  The study was conducted over five decades and with more than 160,000 people.  Health Briefs TV suggests trying other ways of thwarting naughty behavior.  Why not consider taking privileges away instead? Ban the use of mobile devices for a day. Forbid the child from watching TV or send the child to their room for an hour, and other non-aggressive methods of punishment work well as behavior modifiers.

Enjoy for good health

Monday, April 18, 2016

Health Briefs TV Clean Cell Phone Tips

Just thinking about what our cell phones touch every day is enough to make us search for the best ways to keep them clean. Health Briefs TV offers some tips to keep smart phones free of germs and bacteria.

Think out the many places where we lay our valued smart phones every day. From the time we prepare to head out in the morning until we go to bed, our phones have been put down on several different surfaces. Each surface is no cleaner than the one before it. Each surface has its own level of germs and bacteria which our phones pick up and spread to our ears, eyes, chin, nose mouth, and hands. Let us be honest: almost everyone takes their phone into the bathroom at work and sets it down on the back of the toilet. Can you think of a more germ-laden, gross place to put it down?

Here’s how to keep smart phones clean and free of the germs and bacteria which can make us break out in a rash or become sick:
  • Wash hands after using the toilet anywhere. Use a clean paper towel to open the bathroom door when ready to leave. We know there are people who do not wash their hands after using the bathroom.
  • Keep cell phones off kitchen counters when preparing a meal to prevent spreading Salmonella. If it must be kept nearby, lay the phone down on a clean towel.
  • Clean the phone once a day by taking it out of the case and wiping it down with a soft, damp cloth and a wee bit of antibacterial soap.
  • Antibacterial phone wipes are also good. Ask any wireless carrier store if they have any.

The Health Briefs television show also suggests cleaning the inside of purses, tote bags and another place where cell phones are kept once a week. Antibacterial wipes are perfect for that.

Prevent the spread of germs and bacteria by keeping smart phones clean.

Friday, April 15, 2016

US Media Studios Explains the Health Benefits of Yoga

Once considered something only the hipster crowd practiced, yoga has gained a new, refreshing reputation as a great health benefit.

US Media Studios learns that people who practice yoga are less stressed out than those that do not. It is also a great exercise for connecting the mind and body. It is beneficial to all age groups and all kinds of people. Military combat veterans who go to yoga classes gain inner peace, strength in mind and thoughts, stress relief, and feel stronger mentally and physically.  Baby boomers and other age groups who take yoga classes experience increased flexibility, increases muscle strength, improved respiration and energy, gain better balance, and protection from injury. Yoga also help build stronger bones.

Yoga classes around the country are offered a low-cost at community centers, the Y, health clubs and gyms, and on the beach, in parks and in city centers.  Some yoga teachers, or yogis, allow a new participant to take one class free to see if it is something the person wants to continue. It doesn’t hurt to ask before starting. Not all yoga classes are alike. Go online or ask someone who is into yoga which type would be best for a newcomer. US Media Studios also reminds readers that yoga clothes are cool and are worn almost everywhere now.

Feeling stressed out with sore joints and muscles? Are crazy thoughts running through your mind all day and night long? Sample one yoga class. It might just be ticket to better mental and physical health.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Health Briefs TV Relays Tips for Preventing Hearing Loss

Imagine not being able to hear clearly or hear anything at all. Most people think that hearing loss is for the aging generations only, but this is not so. Younger people are losing their hearing too. Health Briefs TV relays tip for preventing hearing loss.

There are many ways in which hearing can change throughout life.

  • Loud music a concerts, music festivals and in nightclubs affects hearing later on.
  • Most people use ear buds with their smart phones to take calls or listen to music tend to turn the volume up.
  • People who work with loud industrial equipment or at airports where jets takes off and land are subjected to a loud work environment.

Recent research has found that hearing loss in adolescents increased by 31 percent from 1988 to 2005, according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to prevent hearing loss.

  • When going to a concert or music festival, do not stand or take a seat anywhere near the speakers. Sit back far enough from them to still see and enjoy the show.
  • Wear ear plugs if you prefer to be closer to the stage. You can still hear and hear well and are still protecting your ears.
  • If working in a loud environment, ask management for ear plugs. By law, employers have to offer ear protection if a job requires it.
  • Medication and injury can also cause hearing loss.

Health Briefs TV also suggests getting a hearing test every year. This is a good idea for people who are getting older. Clean ear wax from ears as often as needed. Once hearing diminishes and is gone, it never comes back. Hearing aids are often used, and while there are several options, none give the user the hearing they once had. Background noise is not filtered the way it is naturally. Therefore, all noise is amplified with a hearing aid. Cochlear implants are another option, though expensive, may not work.

The best way to prevent hearing loss is to protect your ears whenever possible. 

Monday, April 4, 2016

Health Briefs TV Celebrates National Public Health Week

The first full week of April is designated National PublicHealth Week in the United States. Health Briefs TV celebrates this national initiative to help promote healthy lives for everyone.

Throughout every state and every county in the state, no two health departments are the same. Each one has its own unique community and population striving to serve through program and services tailored to its residents, and often with dwindling funds. The people and community will change over the years, and as it does, the Health Departments have to change too. Here’s a look, nationally, at what this week is all about:

  • Building healthy communities by committing funds to healthier schools, homes, parks, and community centers.
  • Providing quality healthcare no matter the age, race, sex, income level of the resident.
  • Ensuring that schools and other facilities provide healthy meals and exercise programs.
  • Finding and implementing ways to curtail stress.

The Health Briefs TV show also notes some of the top public health concerns Americans may have to contend with: obesity and diabetes, high blood pressure, Zika infection, climate change and how it affects public health, community environmental challenges and how to combat them, and keeping seniors healthy and mobile, and ensuring every person in the United States has clean, safe drinking water. Join us as we share news about National Public Health Week.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Health Briefs TV Touts the Benefits of Coffee

Coffee, and caffeinated drinks, are not just good to wake us up. The health benefits of drinking a cup or two of coffee every day provides benefits for the entire body, and can reduce the chance of developing colorectal cancer.

Health Briefs TV learns that drinking two cups a day is associated with a 26 percent reduction of the development of colorectal cancer. If we were to drink just another half cup, those chances decrease by 50 percent. Caffeine and polyphenol in coffee act as antioxidants. Also, the melanodins that are created when the beans are roasted can increase colon mobility, and the diterpenes can prevent cancer by strengthening the body against oxidative damage.

Coffee and caffeine can be found in several beverages, in facial moisturizers, baked in treats, and in the office break room. We would also like to note that it doesn’t matter if the coffee is boiled, perked, steamed, or decaffeinated. It didn’t matter if the coffee was instant or freshly ground.

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in both men and women in the United States. Almost five percent of men and four percent of women develop this disease over their lifetime. Health Briefs TV suggests taking every possible active step to reduce the chance of developing colorectal cancer:

  • Eat a healthy diet including different types of beans, which contain cancer fighting fiber.
  • Drink a few cup of coffee per day.
  • If smoking, stop. Seek assistance if needed. There are plenty of affordable options to help.
  • Get daily exercise. This is as simple as taking a walk at lunch time and after dinner.

So go ahead and enjoy another cup of java. It does more than wake us up and warms us up. It reduces the chance of getting colorectal cancer. Cheers.