Thursday, June 19, 2014

Health Briefs and How to Protect Yourself from Mosquito Bites

Summer brings hot and humid air and plenty of rain to fill spaces on porches, balconies and in yards where mosquitoes lay eggs. HealthBriefs shares some suggestions about how to protect yourself from mosquito bites this summer.

The chikungungya virus is a mosquito born virus which is mainly contained in the Caribbean. However, there have been some cases of it reported in some southern states. This virus produces headaches, muscle pain, swelling of the joints or a rash, all of which can be managed with pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs. The symptoms usually last about three to seven days. Take time before going out to be sure you are protected from getting bit from mosquitoes:

Use bug repellent with DEET, an insecticide that deters the biters. Be sure to spray your hands and then pat the face, ears and neck.

Wear lightweight long sleeved shirts and long pants if going outside when the bugs are most present: dawn and dusk.

Remove standing water from objects near the home like birdbaths, water bowls, empty flower pots, wheelbarrows, holes in the ground, etc. Dump water out after every rain storm.

Health BriefsTV encourages readers to always protect themselves from all the bugs that annoy us in the summer.

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