Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Health Briefs TV Explains Fevers and Its Origins

Digital thermometers work great for taking a temp

A fever can signify many health conditions from the flu to heat stroke. Health Briefs TV explains fevers and its origins.

A normal temperature starts at 98.6 and can go up to 100.2 degrees. Healthcare professionals consider an elevated temperature to be 100.4. There are a variety of reasons as to why a healthy person’s temperature could rise above 100.4:

  • Women experiencing menstruation will have a fluctuating temperature depending on where they are in their monthly cycle.
  • Heat stoke can cause a body temperature to rise above 104.
  • People who are coming down with flu will have an elevated temperature.
  • Viral and bacterial infections can cause a fever.
  • Some medications can cause a fever.

Health Briefs TV encourages readers who travel internationally to be aware that airports screening passengers for fevers with handheld devices may believe the traveler could have been exposed to Ebola.  Know what can cause a body’s temperature to rise and counter misinformation with facts. Fevers can originate from a variety of sources. Shouldn’t the people scanning travelers for fevers know the facts before making erroneous decisions that affect people’s lives in adverse ways? And shouldn’t U.S. state governments know them too? Ignorance and lack of information cause hysteria and hysteria harbors irrational fears. This helps no one.

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