Monday, March 16, 2015

Health Briefs TV Checks into the Sleep Business

Sleep. It can be elusive, fleeting, abundant, and is often interrupted.  And it is can also be big business. Health Briefs TV take a peek at the sleep business.

Did you get a good night’s rest? How many full hours of sleep did you get? Was your sleep interrupted by children, pets or smart phones buzzing with the arrival of incoming messages? These are all things that can interrupt and disrupt sleep every night. For insomniacs, this can be a rest killer.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control states that up to 70 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders. We spend extraordinary amounts of money on new mattresses, pillows, sleep aids, and even sleep spas to determine what’s keeping us from decent rest.  Sleep-related products are a $32 billion dollar industry, and include an incredible amount of products and remedies to help the sleep-deprived close their eyes and rest soundly.  The Health Briefs TV show counters that there are better ways to ease into sleep and rest well, and are free. Exercise, even moderate exercise such as a good after dinner walk, can be relaxing and help you distress to sleep better. Hit the sack at the same time every night. Turn the TV off and move smart phone and other digital devices away from bed side tables. A shower right before bed helps wash away stress and can ease you into a restful state.  

Sleep is big business because people spend a great deal of money to get the elusive rest they need. Always try the free ways first, though, and put that money someplace else. Like into a vacation.