Monday, June 1, 2015

Health Briefs TV on Good Eye Health

Protect the eyes when outdoors

Our eyes see everything. When the eyes are unhealthy, it impairs our vision and makes life pretty miserable. Health Briefs TV explains the basics of good eye health.

There are many ways our eyes can become irritated, itchy, watery, blurry and downright unhealthy. Smog in the atmosphere, allergens in the air, contact lenses left in too long, and many other ways. Bacteria can build up in the eyes and under the lids and cause major vision and health issues.

Eating healthy is the easiest and best way to maintain good eye health. Stock up on nutrients such as lutein, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc and vitamins C and E.

Sunglasses block the harmful UV rays which can cause the development of cataracts and macular degeneration. Grab a pair of wrap around sunglasses and keep eyes safe.

Contact lens wearers should take lens out regularly and clean and sanitize them well before reinserting them in the eyes.

The Health Briefs TV show also suggests getting a regular eye exam from an optometrist or an ophthalmologist annually. Our eyes change as we get older and proper health care for them is not only essential but vital to enjoying life.