Friday, October 2, 2015

Health Briefs TV Examines the Lesser Known Breast Cancer Symptoms

Most men and women know to perform a monthly self-exam of their breasts. This is one of the most commons ways to find lumps in the tissue.  Health Briefs TV examines the other, lesser known breast cancer symptoms to look for.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In this light, we share information we find with readers on the topic to help raise awareness. Lesser known symptoms of breast cancer are:

  • Persistent pain in one particular spot of the breast should be mentioned to doctors, even if no lump or lumps are felt.
  • Red spots or a rash that does not go away on the breast should be examined by a doctor.
  • Skin changes on the nipple such as flaking or discharge are signs to call the doctor. It may not be breast cancer, but it is always better to find out than not.
  • Any distinct asymmetry or dimpling, creasing or puckering of the skin on your breasts with arms raised and leaning forward are signs to call the doctor. Why take any chances?

It is said that the most common sign of breast cancer is no sign at all. The Health Briefs television show encourages readers to get a mammogram or other screening between the ages of 40 and 50.  Most health insurance plans cover this with no co-pay. Schedule a screening today. It’s always better to know than to not know.