Friday, November 13, 2015

Health Briefs TV Reviews Tips to Kick the Habit

One of the hardest habits to kick is to stop smoking. Even though there are many products and programs to help quell the nicotine addiction, quitting smoking is personal challenge to overcome. Health Briefs TV reviews some tips to help kick the habit.

We know. Easier said than done. Commercials on TV remind smokers of the health and medical problems it causes. The ads also remind viewers that it can take several attempts to quit before the habit is kicked for good.  But it can be done. Here’s the good news:

The US Centers for Disease Control reports that number of smokers in the US has declined by 20 percent in the last decade. A significant one percent drop in the last year alone is reason to health officials to remain optimistic that there will be no more smokers in America by 2050. We want to help with that with some tips for quitting:

  • Try to not smoke for one hour. Then two hours. Slowly ease off smoking one hour at a time. 
  • Replace the cigarette with chewing gum, mints, nicotine replacement products, bottles of water, exercise or whatever is needed.
  • Reward yourself for each cigarette not smoked with something healthy such as an apple, low-fat ice cream or frozen yogurt.
  • Save the money from each pack of cigarettes not bought in a jar. At the end of the month, deposit that money in a savings account.
  • Instead of lighting up after a meal, take a walk instead.

The Health Briefs TV show believes that even the most addicted smokers can eventually quit. It takes steely determination and a strong support network to help the smoker not want to light up. Pick a day and make that your quit forever day. Then throw out every single thing that pertains to smoking like ashtrays and lighters and toss that garbage in a Dumpster.  When is your quit forever day?