Friday, April 29, 2016

Health Briefs TV Spreads Good Health News

We love to share good health news with our readers, and there is much to share today.

Eat more chocolate and drink more red wine. A one minute intense workout is better than a 30 minute one. Walking is easy, free and boosts many health benefits.  Spanking children is not a good idea. 

Foods such as fruits, vegetables, yogurt and chocolate, and beverages like coffee and red wine increase the diversity of bacteria in the gut.  Gut or intestine diversity can ward off illness, as found by a team of Dutch researchers.  On the other side, simple carbs seems to reduce the bacterial diversity in the intestines. This includes high fat milk and sugar-sweetened soda.  Gut bacteria plays a vital role in the overall good health of the intestines and the rest of the body.

A study from the respected Plos One journal found that high intensity interval training (HIIT) works just as well as, and is better for us, than an hour long interval training class. This form of abbreviated high intensity working out entails a short burst of activity. For example: people who walk for exercise can add a short, intense burst of jogging or walking briskly, into the routine, and then go back to the regular pace. The short burst of intensity in the workout burns more calories, builds stamina, and require no more equipment. Give it a try. Add one minute of high intensity activity to a daily workout.

Most adults remember childhood days when their parents would spank them when they were naughty. This was thought to be the most effective way to curb bad behavior. Today, however, a new report that Health Briefs TV read, notes that spanking children can lead to aggressive behavior and defiance when older.  The study was conducted over five decades and with more than 160,000 people.  Health Briefs TV suggests trying other ways of thwarting naughty behavior.  Why not consider taking privileges away instead? Ban the use of mobile devices for a day. Forbid the child from watching TV or send the child to their room for an hour, and other non-aggressive methods of punishment work well as behavior modifiers.

Enjoy for good health