Friday, July 18, 2014

Health Briefs on Which Fast Foods Will Not Wreck a Diet

We love fast food. It is so quick and convenient and yet can wreck a diet in one bite. Fortunately, Health Briefs found some items on a few popular fast food menus that is healthy and will not throw dieters off track.

Enjoy a quick and tasty meal or snack with the suggestions below.

Panera – Breakfast Power Sandwich made of whole wheat bread, egg whites, spinach and packs 22 milligrams of protein and a healthy dose of fiber.

Chipotle – Choose the corn tortilla with steak, veggies and cheese for a fiber filling lunch. Forgo the processes white flour burritos.

McDonald’s – Grilled chicken BLT sandwich contains a lot less fat than the fried version even with the bacon. It still has a lot of salt, but it won’t knock one off a weight loss plan.

Wendy’s – We have been long time fans of the Frosty and we love the Jr. Chocolate Frosty even more. With 200 grams of fat and five stick with you grams of protein, plus the chocolate flavor – this is one summer treat that not only cools one off but tastes awesome also.

HealthBriefs knows there are other fast food places offering healthier versions of their favorites. We’d love to hear from readers about favorites. Are there any healthy options at In-N-Out or Sonic Drive In? Let us know.

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