Thursday, December 11, 2014

Health Briefs TV Reviews Who Can Get Blood Clots

Most people know that blood clots can occur when we sit in one position for too long and when we lie still for too long. Health Briefs TV reviews the other ways we can be affected by a life threatening blood clot.

 Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) develops when a blood clot occurs deep in your body, usually in a leg, and travels to the lungs. This can happen after surgery or sitting for a very long flight. Results of blood clots are called venous thromboembolism and can cause fatal blockages of blood flow in the lungs. It is imperative that we know what the other risk factors are so a blood clot can be prevented.

Premature birth is a risk factor for infants, children and young adults to developing VTE which can affect DVT and other types of blood clots.

The genetic background of a person is also a risk factor when there is a history of factor V Leiden and deficiencies of proteins C and S.

Cancer, traumatic brain injury, birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy, pregnancy and childbirth, and vitamin D deficiency are other risk factors which can cause a fatal blood clot. Health Briefs TV suggests talking to a family physician if any of these risk factors affect you.

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