Friday, January 9, 2015

Health Briefs TV on the Flu

The flu is widespread across America and there are many questions about it and the flu vaccine. Health Briefs finds and shares the answers.

Some people with the flu are contagious before they feel any symptoms. But for the most part, adults are considered contagious about 24 to 72 hours after contracting the virus and remain that way for up to five days after the onset of symptoms. Kids and people with compromised immune systems can be contagious to anyone around them for up to two weeks.

Flu symptoms are: headache, fever, chills, runny nose, muscle aches, sore throat, warm, flushed skin and watery eyes. The virus is spread when respiratory moisture droplets from an infected person are spread through sneezing, coughing, touching common surfaces and clothing.

Health Briefs suggests keeping a good supply of tissues in the home or classroom and making a visit with a healthcare professional if flu symptoms seem to be apparent. The flu vaccine is helpful in prevention of catching the virus, even though this year’s strain is not the same strain in the vaccine. Stay well.

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