Friday, April 17, 2015

Health Briefs TV Touts the Benefits of Regular, Moderate Exercise

Some people turn a deaf ear when they hear the word exercise.  They think long, hard, sweaty periods of time in the gym working out.  Health Briefs TV reminds readers that even moderate physical activity is beneficial for everyone.

Regular, moderate exercise, such as a 20 minute walk around the block aids in staying healthy and living longer.  Walking is a relaxing activity which can offer the walker time alone to think while giving the heart a mini workout. Riding a bike is also a pleasant form of exercise. One covers more ground on a bike and gains the health benefits from it. It boosts vim and vigor.  Moderate physical activity also raises the heart rate which pumps more blood and oxygen throughout the body. This in turn, helps us feel more alive. It stimulates the brain which keeps our mental faculties alert.

Our skin becomes more elastic and softer which can reduce the appearance of wrinkles.  It gives us flexibility which we all need the older we become.  It improves posture so we are not so slumped over in age.  Moderate exercise makes us feel stronger and more capable of handling the harder aspects of live. It boosts mood too. We could all use a little mood boost every now and then.  The Health Briefs TV show also testifies that a little moderate exercise every week helps us sleep more soundly. And a good night’s rest is one of the best health benefits everyone needs. 

Head outside if the weather permits and enjoy a short walk. Take in the sights. Soak in the sunshine. Feel alive and healthier.

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