Friday, October 31, 2014

Health Briefs TV Reviews Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Factors

People with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or CFS are exceptionally tired no matter how much sleep they get and for more than six months. It is often not diagnosed and sometimes dismissed by healthcare workers. Health Briefs TV wishes to review the factors of this debilitating medical concern.

When a patient visiting a family doctor complains of being exhausted all the time and for a prolonged period of time, the physician may not know what to do. There is no blood test for CFS nor is there brain scan which can identify the condition. A recent study conducted on 15 patients with CFS and 15 without it – all the same age and gender – found less white matter in the brains of those with CFS. The white matter contains the brain’s communication material which allows parts of the brain to communicate with each other. Other tests conducted in the research included looking at the right hemisphere of the brain of each participant group. Researchers noticed that the patients with chronic fatigue syndrome had thicker connection points than those of the healthy patients. The study was small but shows us that if the doctor is willing to prescribe the brain scan and the patient is willing to pay for it, it may be helpful in determining what’s wrong with someone who is constantly overly tired. Health Briefs TV learns this may be a useful tool for patients whose complaints are often met with accusations of being a hypochondriac or just ignored.

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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Health Briefs TV Dispels Common Myths about the Cold and Flu

The cold and flu season runs from October to February and generally peaks January. Roughly 20% of Americans can catch a virus which can cause severe health issues. Despite this, there are some common beliefs about the cold and flu which Health Briefs TV will try to dispel.

The flu shot does not make us sick with the flu. The vaccine is made with dead viral particles so it can’t infect us. The mist which kids use utilizes a crippled version of the virus which cannot make kids sick. It takes two weeks for our bodies for form antibodies to the vaccine to fully protect us.

Young and healthy people do not need the flu shot. While it is true that young, healthy people are less vulnerable than the very young and old, everyone should get the flu shot. At the very least, it prevents the receiver from passing the virus to others. And it prevents the transmission of the virus from infecting us.

Other myths that Health Briefs TV has heard about the flu which are not true:
The shot didn’t work if someone gets the flu. If this is the case, a variant strain of the flu that was not in the shot is at work. Antibiotics can cure the flu which is not true as antibiotics do not work on viruses. What other myths have our readers heard?

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Friday, October 24, 2014

Health Briefs TV Shares Some Good News about Breast Cancer Risks

power lines near the house do not cause breast cancer

There is so much in the news about breast cancer that it can be hard to weed out the good advice from the bad. Health Briefs TV shares some good news about breast cancer risks with readers. Sources taken from ABC News.

Most women have heard at one time or another, (we certainly have) that wearing an underwire bra can increase the risk of developing breast cancer. This is not true according to a recent, well-researched study. Bras of any size underwire or not, do not increase the risk. What a relief.

Breast implants do not increase the risk of developing breast cancer. Those who work in mammography take more detailed images of women with breast implants.

Deodorant and antiperspirants do not increase the risk of developing breast cancer.  Some do have aluminum-based compounds, which some experts thought are cancer-causing, but it has been proven in numerous studies that this is not true.

Coffee and caffeine do not increase the risk of developing breast cancer.  The coffee beans contain a good amount of antioxidants which are beneficial to overall good health.   The Health Briefs TV show can also relate that coffee can reduce pain, improve memory and circulation. So have a cup or two.

The electromagnetic field emanating from power lines does not increase the risk of developing breast cancer. There have been many reputable studies which proved this theory wrong.  So enjoy life under the wires.

While there are some other theories out there about what can increase the risk of developing breast cancer, these are the most common misconceptions. Of course, the best advice will come from your doctor.

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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Health Briefs TV Explains Why Women Live Longer than Men

Women don't take risks like this so they live longer

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that a girl born in 2012 should expect to live to be 81 years old while boys born that same year will live to age 76.  In other words, girls could live five more years than boys. Health Briefs TV takes a look at the reasons why and asks readers for their thoughts.

Females are stronger in the womb than boys since there are fewer of them born. Males are more likely to succumb to in utero infections than females. They also develop more slowly than girls in the womb and struggle more if born prematurely.

Unintentional injuries are the third leading cause of death in males. The front lobe of the brain which deals with responsibility and risk calculation develops much slower in males than females.

Health Briefs TV learns that heart disease is the leading killer for both men and women, but men are more likely to develop it earlier. Menopause protects women from developing it because the mid to late life condition churns out estrogen which keeps arteries strong and flexible.

Women also take better care of their health than men. Men tend to deny health problems and battle through them without seeing a doctor.

We want to know what you think. Do you know any women who outlived the men in their lives? What factors do you think led to their longer life?

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Friday, October 17, 2014

Health Briefs TV Reminds Readers of the More Common Viruses

Please cover your mouth much better than this.

There are several viruses which are more worrisome than the Ebola virus. Health Briefs TV reminds readers of what they are and how to prevent catching one.

The Flu – Droplets from an ill person’s sneeze or cough can travel up to six feet away.  Please remember to cover your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing around others.

Enterovirus – This is the virus that is mostly affecting young children. It can be passed by touching an infected person or surface. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water or use a hand sanitizer. Don’t touch the face anywhere.

Norovirus – This virus spread when an infected person touches a surface, food or water and other people tough or eat the same surface or food. Again, wash hands thoroughly before touching food or any common surface.

HIV – HIV is transmitted through bodily fluids and shared needles. To prevent transmission, don’t shares needles and wear condoms or other items to block transmission during sex.

Hepatitis – The virus is transmitted through sharing dirty needles. Don’t share needles and be sure any medical worker is using a clean, sterilized one on you, if needed.

RSV – RSV stands for Respiratory Syncytial Virus. It mostly affects very young children and the elderly. It is spread through coughing and sneezing.  Health Briefs TV urges readers to teach young children to cover noses and mouths when coughing and sneezing, and reminds seniors to do the same.

These six viruses are more contagious and easily spread than the Ebola virus.

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Monday, October 6, 2014

Health Briefs Reveals Why We Choose the Foods We Do

You are what you eat is an old Americana adage. If you eat unhealthy foods, you will become unwell and overweight. Health Briefs offers insight on why we choose the foods we do.

A recent study found that we tend to eat less healthy foods and more of them per serving when we share a meal with an overweight friend or family member. A group of young college students dined together. One of them was outfitted with a prosthesis which made her look overweight. When she ate more unhealthily, the others at the table also ate more unhealthily. When she ate a healthier meal, having more salad than pasta, the others also ate the same way.

Health Briefs TV knows that the best way to prevent overeating or eating too many unhealthy foods when dining out is to plan ahead. Choose a restaurant which offers a healthy menu, stick to the meal you want. Drink plenty of water before going out. Add more vegetables to the meal and skip bread. We choose the foods we do based on how hungry we are, who we are dining with and the choices on the menu. Pre-plan before heading out and enjoy a healthier meal no matter what. 


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Thursday, October 2, 2014

Health Briefs TV Reports on a Toothpaste for Allergy Sufferers

Imagine brushing your teeth with a toothpaste that not only cleans the mouth but blocks and stops an allergic reaction. Health Briefs TV shares news on a new prescription toothpaste that is doing all that.

Scientists in New York have formulated a toothpaste called Allerdent which contains the extracts of what some test patients are allergic to. The toothpaste is being tested on 12 people at the moment. The extracts in the toothpaste make contact with the lining of the mouth and can desensitize the allergy suffer to the allergens. It appears to be more effective than a weekly allergy shot or daily allergy drops. The prescription toothpaste is said to taste, feel and work the same as regular toothpaste.  Itching or tingling in the mouth is two side effects which have been reported. Health Briefs TV believes that this special toothpaste is not yet available across the country, but recommends interested readers ask their family doctor or allergist about it. It is available in several states. Imagine simply brushing your teeth every day to finally get rid of the sneezing, wheezing, coughing, eye watering and nose dripping misery that can ruin a day’s worth of activities.

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