Friday, January 29, 2016

Health Briefs Takes a Look at Which States are the Healthiest

The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index report was released recently. In it, the report ranks which states are the healthiest and unhealthiest over all. Health Briefs reviewed the survey and found good news in it, and also bad news. Read one for more info.

The index counts specific criteria in its rankings: having a sense of purpose, supportive relationships and love in your life, feeling economically secure, enjoying the home, pride in community, and maintaining good health. The positive news from the survey includes an increase in citizens feeling financially healthy. Also, there are less people without insurance, fewer people are smoking this year than last year, more people are getting exercise, and finally, there is a decline in the number of people who report being food and healthcare insecure.

On the negative side: obesity seems to be increasing in the U.S., and many people are still finding it challenging to find and secure full-time employment. So where does this leave us, and specifically, your home state?

Below are the top five healthiest states:
  1. Hawaii
  2. Alaska
  3. Montana
  4. Colorado
  5. Wyoming

Wide open space, a love for the great outdoors, sense of community and financial well-being all played a part in how these states made the top five.

Below are the bottom five states:
  1. Indiana
  2. Ohio
  3. Oklahoma
  4. Kentucky
  5. West Virginia
These states usually rank at the bottom. Most are located in the East or in the Midwest region.  With so much farmland and rolling hills nearby, the Health Briefs TV show wonders how they stay at the bottom? Click here to see the whole list. (PDF)

Healthiest State: Hawaii